

Charlie Kempf

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I was raised in a Christian home and learned about and fell in love with Jesus at an early age.  In high school I drifted away from following God and didn't return until age 28.  Since that time I have daily read and meditated on God's word, seeking His presence with a desire to hold Him as my "First love".  I want more than anything to be pleasing to Him, glorifying Him and loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.  God is teaching me how to love my neighbor as myself and to genuinely have compassion.  I am so thankful for Christ's sacrifice on the cross and the Father's saving grace and want to share the Gospel with others.  God has made it very clear to me to preach all the truth of His word, never tickling peoples ears, but with a burning desire to reveal God's loving heart for people everywhere.  I believe it is very important that once we truly come to know Christ as our Lord and Savior we obey and treat Him right.  God has also impressed upon my heart the importance of striving to love children the way Jesus did.


God has blessed me with a wonderful wife whom I love very much and helps me more than I can ever put into words.  I am also very thankful to God for our children and grandchildren who are very dear to us.


It is always a pleasure to worship our God with the wonderful people at Mt. Carmel.  There is a special indwelling of God’s Spirit at Mt. Carmel, people often tell me they feel it the moment they arrive.  I believe one of the ways we can love our God more richly is by treating each other with love and forgiveness.  A primary focus in my leadership role is providing support and encouragement to the congregation.  Please pray for me that I will always be a man after God's heart because my heart lacks what it takes, only His heart is pure and filled with love.


Pastor Charlie

Worship Director

Marlan Albertson

I was raised in a Christian home and went to church every time the doors were open. From my earliest memories, worship music was very important to my family. My Grandpa's dream for his family was that we grew up playing and singing in church. His wish came true for me when I was 14 after the organist we had unexpectedly resigned. I started playing the organ right away and have been on the stage in some capacity most every Sunday since. I've been involved in numerous genres of music and have filled many different roles from piano player to choir director to worship leader and everything in between. From the earliest days of playing and singing blue-grass hymns to now playing the latest in modern worship music, I have always believed that God's desire for our worship is much deeper than we understand. The Bible says that God is looking for true worshippers who will worship him in spirit and in truth. My challenge to Mt. Carmel since I have been worship leader is for each of us to figure out what that means individually and then offer that worship back to God sacrificially. Then the songs are no longer words on a page or a screen, but rather deep expressions of our heartfelt gratitude to a loving God that gave his only Son to make a way for us to be forgiven from our sins.

Teresa, my wife of 43 years, was also raised in a family whose faith meant absolutely everything to them. Although our church traditions were different, we found common ground in the gospel message and our shared devotion to faith, family, and living a life pleasing to God. Our shared faith has carried us through many challenges so far and will continue to carry us through the rest of our life together. We have two adult children, Ashley 32, and Caleb 30, and they both share our passion for worship and are involved in leading worship.

At Mt. Carmel, we have two Sunday Morning service times that offer different worship music styles. My desire is to create a worship experience that everyone can participate in and be comfortable with.

Children's Director

Amy Funderburk

Amy Funderburk was born and raised just a few miles from Mt.  Carmel.  As a young child she placed her faith in Jesus being raised in a strong Christian home.  She has taught and served in the children’s ministry area since 2005 when she and her family became members of the church.  Amy is married to Jack and together they have 3 children Samantha, Luke and Jackson. Amy has a passion to share how God is working at Mt. Carmel and her goal is to provide a safe, warm and a nurturing environment to the children of this church so that they may fall deeper in love with Jesus Christ. 

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13 

Youth Director/ Office Manager

Kathryn Allen

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Student ministries has always been a passion of mine. I spent many mission trips in Houston, TX pouring into intercity youth while I was younger, and I am excited that God has lead me to help pour into the youth here at Mount Carmel Baptist Church. 

My husband (Justin) and I have loved getting the chance to get to know the youth and help with their walk with Christ. We want to provide a safe environment for them to break open any questions they may have about walking with God. 

We pray that God will move us aside and take control of the youth program to help develop strong young believers. Justin and I are only His vessels. 

We can't wait to share the love of God with your student. 

You may also find me on the other line when you call up to the church. I am excited to support the church at the office manager. Mount Carmel has been home to me and my family since 2013 and we have appreciated the warmth and caring heart this church gives. 

I can't wait to serve you! 

Katie Allen

A/V Director

Tim Pollett

I moved to Missouri, with my wife Chelley, from California in 1994 to raise our children and be closer to our extended family. We have 4 children Drew, Elizabeth, Chad, and Matthew and two grandchildren Bentley and Renley. We have been members of Mt. Carmel since 2009.

I’ve been involved in theatre and church A/V since high school and served on the A/V team in every church I’ve attended since 1989. I look at this ministry as a way to extend the reach of the church through technology as well as creating an atmosphere in services through media and technology that is inviting, distraction free, and enhancing worship through a God centered focus.

I’m currently an IT consultant, Sr. Business Analyst working for a company that supports government agencies and justice systems across the U.S.