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Charlie Kempf


Charlie Kempf

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I was raised in a Christian home and learned about and fell in love with Jesus at an early age.  In high school I drifted away from following God and didn't return until age 28.  Since that time I have daily read and meditated on God's word, seeking His presence with a desire to hold Him as my "First love".  I want more than anything to be pleasing to Him, glorifying Him and loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.  God is teaching me how to love my neighbor as myself and to genuinely have compassion.  I am so thankful for Christ's sacrifice on the cross and the Father's saving grace and want to share the Gospel with others.  God has made it very clear to me to preach all the truth of His word, never tickling peoples ears, but with a burning desire to reveal God's loving heart for people everywhere.  I believe it is very important that once we truly come to know Christ as our Lord and Savior we obey and treat Him right.  God has also impressed upon my heart the importance of striving to love children the way Jesus did.


God has blessed me with a wonderful wife whom I love very much and helps me more than I can ever put into words.  I am also very thankful to God for our children and grandchildren who are very dear to us.


It is always a pleasure to worship our God with the wonderful people at Mt. Carmel.  There is a special indwelling of God’s Spirit at Mt. Carmel, people often tell me they feel it the moment they arrive.  I believe one of the ways we can love our God more richly is by treating each other with love and forgiveness.  A primary focus in my leadership role is providing support and encouragement to the congregation.  Please pray for me that I will always be a man after God's heart because my heart lacks what it takes, only His heart is pure and filled with love.


Pastor Charlie