Mt. Carmel Sick Child Policy


We are excited that you brought your child(ren) to join us. We look forward to getting to know you and your child(ren) and to teach them about God and His love.

However, as much as we anticipate spending time with you and your precious child(ren), we do want to be considerate of every child left in our care. That is why we have agreed upon the following sick child policy. We ask that you please show courtesy and consideration for others by not attending if you or your child(ren) display any of the following:

  • Have a fever of 100 degrees F or more

  • Had a fever within the past 24 hours

  • (must be fever  free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever-reducing medications)

  • Have vomited within the past 24 hours

  • Have had diarrhea within the past 24 hours

  • Have any undiagnosed rash, impetigo, or ringworm

  • Have red inflamed eyes (pink eye)

  • Have head lice (must be nit free) 

* If any medication or wellness protocol is required for treatment, the patient must be on the medication or protocol for 24 hours before joining back in.

Please consider staying home if you have been exposed to anything contagious such as the flu, strep, or any other illness.

Also, please consider staying home if you or your child(ren) have recently been vaccinated as, according to the CDC, vaccine induced virus shedding can occur for 2-11 days after vaccination.

We may ask you to pick up your child if we feel he or she is sick. 

Thank you for understanding and helping to keep everyone healthy.